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Rotkappchen alcoholfrei rose

For us, our favorite bubble without alcohol for 10 years !Never gets boring.

In combination with cheese sticks from AH it becomes a true chameleon: it seems as if the alcohol comes back ... In short, we are enthusiastic!

The Sekt is de-alcoholized at 30 C using a secret process that preserves its fruity taste.

  • For us, our favorite bubble without alcohol for 10 years !Never gets boring.

    In combination with cheese sticks from AH it becomes a true chameleon: it seems as if the alcohol comes back ... In short, we are enthusiastic!

    The Sekt is de-alcoholized at 30 C using a secret process that preserves its fruity taste.

    • Druif


    • Herkomst

      Saale Unstrut

    • Lekker bij

      Lekker als aperitief. kaasstengels Ook lekker bij de borrelplank, bijvoorbeeld met meloen met ham of capresetomaatjes.

    • Smaakprofiel

      vriendelijk fruitig mild thee lychees aardbei framboos

    • Productiemethode

      gedealcoholiseerde sekt

    • Inhoud
