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Lenné Riesling 2021

Delicate pineapple and tangerine notes introduce this completely dry but sleek, light-bodied Riesling. Silky in texture. It is an elegant, fresh white wine with an insane value for money. Riesling is a highly aromatic, fruity grape with the ability to express the origin and soil in which the vines grow. Riesling can age for decades and still offer a great taste experience.

  • About Lenné

    The Palatinate wine region is located in the extreme southwest of Germany, adjacent to the French Alsace. White wine has been successfully made here for hundreds of years, but the excellent price/quality of the red pinot noir is now particularly striking. Prices and availability of wines from this refined Burgundy grape are not always easy to "swallow" and it is therefore a find of magnitude when a superb pinot noir comes along in this price range.

    Lenne Pinot Noir 2020 is the brainchild of Sumi Gebauer and her husband Patrick. This wine couple met at a renowned winery and the spark struck. Now they draw together for high-profile wines, the first one we introduce to you is the delectable pinot noir. The outstanding 2020 vintage will be bottled in mid-November and we will pick up the wine directly in Germany then.

    • Druif


    • Jaartal


    • Herkomst

      Pfalz, Duitsland

    • Lekker bij

      Sushi, lichte visgerechten, oosterse keuken en rijke salades

    • Smaakprofiel

      Lichtvoetig, elegant en fris

    • Productiemethode


    • Inhoud

      11.5% - 0.75L