Vragen over onze wijn? Bel 06-51532464
Vragen over onze wijn? Bel 06-51532464
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Become a wine expert with Cathy
Become a wine expert with Cathy, Cathy made personalized wine courses for professionals, Restaurant staffs and wine enthusiasts.
Meet us at Puur Zee
Whether it's a weekend gateway, holiday escape, or a delightful dinner, Puur Zee has a wealth of offerings to make your experience unforgetable.
Join the friends wine club
Join the friends Wine Club and get exclusive access to wine pleasure and lots of extras that the club has to offer.
Wijncursus data, voor info zie training op homepage
Alle modules zijn apart te boeken
26 januari zondag 13-17.30 wijn & spijs
5 februari woensdag 19-21.30 theorie en proeven
12 februari woensdag 19-21.30 theorie en proeven
.... woensdag 20-22pm
Riedelglazen proeverij
16 of 23 februari zondag 16.30-18.30 Etiquette
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