Etichetta Grigia (literally: gray label) has a stotro yellow color with youthful greenish highlights. Intense, persistent, refined aroma of great elegance, with hints of hawthorn, grapefruit, apple, white peach and a pleasant undertone of acacia honey. Fresh and well-balanced on the palate, it rewards us with interesting flavor developments. The structure of the wine makes it particularly suitable for the dishes of traditional Ligurian cuisine.
Lvnae originated as an inspiration on the name of the city of Luni, an ancient Etruscan and Greek port, dedicated by the Greeks (Luna, for the Romans) to the goddess Selene. The first Luna settlement was founded by the Romans in 177 BC. The wine production of Lvnae Bosoni is rooted in the ancient history of this land and its peoples, the Etruscans, Greeks and Romans, from whom it inherited a great wine tradition.
The area of Colli di Luni is the easternmost corner of the region, located close to Tuscany between the Gulf of La Spezia and the Apuan Alps, as the crow flies just 11 km from the sea. This privileged position creates a unique microclimate where the alternating action of the sea and mountain breezes, depending on whether it is day or night, creates the perfect conditions for cultivating vines. The grape varieties used come from the region and the grapes are picked by hand. The wines also receive excellent appreciation in the written press. The "Etichetta Nera" was voted Italy's best white wine in 2020.